
A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture

6.2: Image Events

Table of Contents

Kevin DeLuca, University of Utah
Joe Wilferth, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Theorizing Visual Rhetoric via the Image Event

The Aesthetics of Protest: Using Images to Change Discourse
Rebecca Jones, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Corporate Involvement in Image Events: Media Stunts, Guerrilla Marketing and the Problem of Political Interpretation
Jo Littler, Middlesex University

The Art of Disorientation: Image, Event, and the Politics of Response in Three Films about 9/11
Kelly McGuire, Emmanuel College

(Re)Claiming the Ground: Image Events, Kairos, and Discourse
Hunter Stephenson, University of Houston-Clear Lake

The Possibility and Actuality of Image Events: Framing Image Events in the Press and on the Internet
Galia Yanoshevsky, University of Bar-Ilan, Israel

Analyzing Image Events

Incarnate Word: Verbal Image, Body Image, and the Rhetorical Authority of Saint Catherine of Siena
Kristine Fleckenstein, Florida State University

Waiting for Tear Gas: Sekula in Seattle
Philip Armstrong, The Ohio State University

Re/Performing and Re/Claiming Native America: Image Events in the Thanksgiving Day of Mourning Protest
Jason Edward Black, University of Alabama

Kleer-cut(ting) Downtown: The Visual Rhetoric of Greenpeace’s Quest to Save the Boreal Forest
Derek Foster, Brock University in St. Catharines, Canada

Signing Resistance: Big Tobacco in the Era of Social Marketing
Amy Shore, State University of New York, Oswego
Joe Wilferth, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Activism and/in Pedagogy

Moving Thumos: Images, Emotion, and Activism
Eric Mason, Nova Southeastern University

Kairos and New Media: Toward a Theory and Practice of Visual Activism
David Sheridan, Michigan State University
Tony Michel, Avila University
Jim Ridolfo, Michigan State University

Critical/Ludic Performatives: A Case Study in the Serious Play of Environmental Activism
Jonathan M. Gray, Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Inhabiting Spaces of Resistance: A Meditation on Co-Performative Acts of Protest
Cindy Spurlock, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Emerging Technologies and New Sites of Image Events

Performing Life: Whose Pictures are Worth One Thousand Words?
Virginia Kuhn, University of Southern California's School of Cinematic Arts

Troubling Images: PETA's 'Holocaust on Your Plate' and the Limits of Image Events
C. Richard King, Washington State University

Virtual Vietnam Veterans Memorials as Image Events: Exorcising the Specter of Vietnam
Neil P. Baird, Western Illinois University

Image Events Guerrilla Girl Style: A Twenty Year Retrospective
Christine Tulley, The University of Findlay

The Meatrix: Resonant Reversal on a Counterpublic Screen
Dylan Wolfe, Clemson University