This artist-made hypertext was written, designed and produced in the Summer of 2000 in Herrin, Illinois and completed Fall of 2000 in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA.

This work was supported in part by a Summer Research Fellowship funded by the Office of Research Development and Administration Graduate School at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale.

Java Script for grocery list written and produced by: Christopher Wampler, Consultant for Tallan, Inc. About his work.

Special thanks to: Professor William McClung for his enthusiasm for mathematics and his willingness to discuss digital issues with an artist not trained in mathematics, and to Professor P. Scott Stanfield for his amazing performance—based on nine recited words—in reaching for a single volume and finding a specific poem from the book-lined shelves in his office library.

Macintosh PowerBook G3 (Wall Street model),
192mb RAM, running Mac OS 8.6
17" Sylvania monitor
U-Max Astra 200s scanner
Macintosh PowerBook G3,
256mb RAM, running Mac OS 9
17" Optiquest monitor
Epson Perfection 1200U scanner
Agfa ePhoto 780c digital camera

Macromedia Dreamweaver 2.0
Macromedia Fireworks 2.0
Adobe Photoshop 5.5
Adobe ImageReady 2.0
SoundEdit 16, version 2
AGFA Photowise


The navigation is somewhat arbitrary and left to the viewer's discretion to enhance the sense of everyday connection—the ways in which one daily occurrence informs another.

Although there is a "recipe" underlying the text that connects like "ingredients," in several cases pages do not contain links and the viewer must use the back button on the browser. This is also intended to remind the viewer of the ways in which tasks are completed in the kitchen or how conversations with neighbors reach their conclusion across the hedge and everyone retreats back to their living rooms.

The grocery list was also designed to enhance the reader's connection to the ways in which domestic tasks are completed and was integrated into the hypertext after receiving feedback from beta readers regarding their uncertainty about having completed a reading. The grocery list is designed to provide the reader with a sense of completion as all items on the list are crossed out when all pages (excluding the colophon) have been read.