

What writing or composition wants is a writer! To invite someone to become a writer! What rhetoric wants is a body that comes to expressing itselphs. A writer. A body filled with tics that cannot but (not) write! Twitchings.
Victor J. Vitanza

Andrea Lunsford replied that she "share[s] Win's concerns as well as Susan Miller's sense that our field is . . . moving away from real, close attention to writing as our subject (drifting to a kind of pop cultural studies, etc.)."
Krista Ratcliffe

There is the impotentiality (atechne, adynamis, potenza) for such a conversayshun, but I often doubt that my colligs [sic] can allow for themselves to be in such a relationship with the question, that is, With Language (Logos)! The full question becoming, What is it that language wants? With me? Now that the horizon by which we write is disappearing, being taken as place (writing space) from writers?"
Victor J. Vitanza

To "write reasonably error-free sentences and paragraphs" is another use of the word "write." In the classical tradition of the West this falls under the rubric of grammar: the training received by children not so much as part of education as its prerequisite.
Michael Holzman

Writing has a chance outside the university.
Victor J. Vitanza

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